Water Resources

Lawrence & Associates has over 30 years of experience related to water-resource evaluation.  We have extensive experience investigating groundwater and surface-water occurrence and quality for a variety of project types:

  • California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) analyses
  • Regulatory agency directives
  • Commercial and residential development
  • Agricultural water supply
  • Wastewater management
  • Stormwater management

As part of our water-resources work, we have the capabilities to conduct many types of studies:


  • Production- and monitoring-well design, permitting, aquifer testing, construction oversight
  • Groundwater interference and pumping impact studies
  • Groundwater monitoring and reporting
  • Groundwater contamination investigation, remediation system design, installation, and operation
  • Water-budget development

Surface Water

  • State Water Resources Control Board permitting, including spring-water extraction permitting
  • Stream gauging
  • Surface-water quality characterization


  • Wastewater treatment system design for domestic, commercial, and industrial discharges
  • Permitting support and for all types of process-water or wastewater discharges


  • Storm Water Pollution Prevention (SWPPP) and Erosion Control Plans
  • Statewide industrial storm-water discharge permitting
  • National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits Storm Water Pollution Prevention (SWPPP) and Erosion Control Plans
  • Statewide industrial storm-water discharge permitting
  • National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits
  • Best Practicable Treatment and Control (BPTC) plans
  • Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasure Plans (SPCC)
  • Storm-water sampling and reporting
  • Flood-risk evaluation & flood-plain analysis (HEC-1 or HMS and HEC-RAS)
  • Peak Flow and Detention requirements (HMS or FLOW)
  • California dredge and fill permits, technical reports, and applications
  • Regional Water Quality Control Board 404 water-quality certification permits
  • Army Corps of Engineers 404 dredge and fill permits
  • California Department of Fish & Wildlife 1602 stream-bed alteration permits